
Baby Talks: From Biases to Common Language and Shared Priorities

Baby Talk presentations summarize one powerful idea and tee-up one related question/consideration for discussion. Each Group begins with 30 minutes of 3 back-to-back presentations, followed by 30 minutes of interactive discussion amongst the presenters and the session participants.

Mind the Gaps: Approaches for Integrating Discussions on Bias into Reflective Supervision/Consultation


Early Childhood Education




This talk connects key concepts in the reflective supervision/consultation (RSC) model to conversations about implicit and explicit bias, highlighting ways the RSC model can advance conversations about racism and antiracism. Tools and strategies are offered as starting points, with encouragement for supervisors to continue generating ideas for facilitating these important conversations.

Presenter: Katherine Lingras, PhD, LP, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department, University of Minnesota. 

Developing a Common Language of Trauma-Informed Care Across Sectors of Early Childhood Providers



Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health



Gain an overview of a statewide effort to provide foundational trauma-informed training to cross-sector early childhood providers. Learn how a common language of trauma-informed care can help address common barriers to quality care for young children who have experienced trauma.

Presenters: Jennifer Mitchell, PhD, The Children’s Center of Utah and Alysse Loomis, PhD, University of Utah.

How Other People Do It: Unlocking Our Implicit Biases Regarding Parenting Practices to Deepen Relations With Families


Early Childhood Education

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health



Explore parenting practices from cultures worldwide and which of these practices may trigger implicit biases. Develop a deeper understanding of the “why” behind various parenting practices and the diverse families entering your program. Learn strategies to build relationships with families while embracing cultural differences and helping families better understand your program.

Presenter: Amanda Holliday-Bembridge, PhD, Maryland State Department of Education.

Baby Talks
