
Sheri Hill, PhD

Early Childhood Policy and Systems Trainer, Sheri L. Hill, PhD, LLC

Dr. Hill (she/her) utilizes neuroscience and her broad Early Childhood experience, to maximize community capacity to cultivate stable, nurturing environments supporting optimal health & well-being in young children and their caregivers. She believes building resiliency is essential for mitigating the negative impacts of trauma and toxic stress on health & well-being, and advancing equity. She also believes change must confront institutionalized racism and empower disenfranchised communities by grounding in community engagement, voice, & shared leadership with families. Dr. Hill’s time at Woodland Park Zoo (Sr. Mgr. Early Childhood), expanded her focus to include building resiliency via relationships with nature, mindfulness, & advancing equity with outdoor opportunities.

Dr. Hill is an: Infant Mental Health Mentor E® (Policy); Founding Member, Academy of ZERO TO THREE Fellows; Faculty, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ Child Abuse & Neglect Institutes; and former Faculty Lead on Policy for the Barnard Center on Infant Mental Health & Development in the University of WA School of Nursing. She is a highly regarded trainer locally, nationally and internationally. She has a: Post-Graduate Certificate in Infant Mental Health from UW SON; PhD in Developmental Psychology from UW; MEd in Speech-Language Pathology from University of VA. She is an actively certified Speech- Language Pathologist having provided clinical services across the lifespan including home visiting early intervention services for Washington State.


Track 2: Viewing Nature and Climate Change Through the Eyes of the Infant