
Michelle Roy, PhD, IECMH-E®

Program Manager, WellPower

Dr. Michelle Roy is a licensed psychologist who has spent the past 15 years working to support infants and young children. She is currently the Program Manager for the Right Start for Infant Mental Health team at WellPower, formerly the Mental Health Center of Denver, which is the safety net mental health provider for the city and county of Denver. Under Dr. Roy’s supervision, the Right Start team provides evidence based, trauma informed, and relationship focused psychotherapy to children birth to five and their families. Dr. Roy is also active in supervision and training infant and early childhood mental health clinicians and allied providers across the state as project co-director for Right Start for Colorado, an infant and early childhood mental health workforce development initiative housed at WellPower, and as clinical faculty at the University of Colorado in the Irving Harris Program for Child Development and Infant Mental Health. She is also endorsed as a Clinical Mentor in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.