
Karin Scott, MPA

Chief Performance Officer, Child Care Associates

Passionate about improving people’s lives through education, Karin Scott entered the nonprofit world after earning her MPA in from the University of Memphis. She worked for the Delta Health Alliance as Associate Vice President, Strategic Data for 7 years where she focused on analyzing and synthesizing data to spark meaningful conversations and action plans aimed at improving the well-being of children in the Mississippi Delta. At DHA, she served as the data and improvement lead for two federal Promise Neighborhoods place-based collective impact initiatives focused on reducing poverty through a cradle to career approach. After returning home to North Texas, Karin currently serves as Chief Performance Officer at Child Care Associates. She is dedicated to building strong partnerships to design, develop and implement continuous improvement efforts that accelerate results for children and families. Karin has a fierce belief that anyone can be a “data person” and use information to improve systems and lives. Karin lives in Dallas with husband and daughter, Sloane.