
Chris Sciarrino

Director of Early Childhood Practice and Innovation, Start Early

Chris’s professional experience has been informed by her studies at Kent State where she earned a master’s in child development and family studies. With more than 40 years of early childhood experience, she is passionate about helping others see the impact of interactions with children. Her skill is diverse and driven by deep understanding of practitioners’ experiences. She has a long-standing track record in translating research to practice, teaching children birth-8, professional learning/coaching, academic coursework development, program development/administration, innovative practices in curriculum/assessment, and meaningful use of practice data linked to outcomes. Cross-sector work includes non-profit, for profit, federal, state, national and community-based training/technical assistance. Prior to joining the Lab, she worked with the University of Washington’s National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning, and as Senior Director of Research and Professional Studies for the Early Childhood Resource Institute, Denver, CO.