Mindy Kronenberg, PhD, IECMH-E®, a clinical psychologist, specializes in infant mental health and the assessment and treatment of trauma across the lifespan. She completed the Irving Harris Infant Mental Health Fellowship at LSU Health Sciences Center where she previously served as Assistant Professor. Dr. Kronenberg has provided direct and consultative services in multiple settings including state agencies, non-profit organizations, universities, schools, head starts, pediatric primary care, dependency courts, and child welfare agencies. Dr. Kronenberg is adjunct faculty at the University of Memphis and offers local, state, and national training on evidence-based and evidence-informed assessments, practices, and treatments including Child-Parent Psychotherapy, Reflective Supervision, Relationship-Based Assessment, and Psychological First Aid. Dr. Kronenberg is an NCTSN affiliate member and past co-chair of the Zero to Six workgroup. She was a founding board member of the Association of Infant Mental Health in Tennessee (AIMHiTN).